Alpha TransForm Programming Language

Makes Alpha TransForm the Only Mobile Form/Data Capture App with the Flexibility Offered by Programmability

TPL is a means by which a mobile app builder, with the proper permissions, can customize the behavior of a TransForm app.

TPL has an extensive function library tuned to the needs of TransForm forms. While not identical to any other programming language, its syntax and semantics will be familiar and easily learned by developers familiar with languages such as Basic, JavaScript, Java, and C.

Code in the programming language is used in TransForm in three main ways:

  • Standalone expressions to calculate values for display or condition testing
  • Multi-line functions to respond to events such as field value changes or button taps, or to be called in expressions or other functions. A runtime debugger is included
  • Working with large amounts of data (including data, video and pdf’s) stored in the on-device SQLite database that is available on Apple and Android mobile devices

An example of an app that was built in Alpha TransForm that takes advantage of TPL and the on-device data storage capability in Alpha TransForm

TPL enables operations such as:

  • Scanning a barcode or selecting from a list and then having the contents of other fields automatically filled in based upon the contents of a SQL on-device database while off-line.
  • Accessing REST APIs and other services when on-line to obtain data, do transactions, or for other purposes.
  • Programmatically performing data validation and transformations, and applying complex business rules as the form is filled in.
  • Filtering choices in lists based upon the values of other fields.
  • Controlling all aspects of the Form Filler operation.

Table of Contents

Samples of Use: Some examples of TPL programs.

Data Types: The types of data items and organization manipulated by TPL code.

Data Model: The particular data structures available to TPL code, including form data and local variables, and how it is accessed.

Expressions: The operators and operands that are used for computation.

Statements: The types of statements, including those for looping, testing conditionals, and flow-control.

Functions: Using built-in and user-defined functions in expressions.

Execution: The times when TPL code is executed and the restrictions sometimes imposed.

User-Defined Functions: Defining and using functions written by the form designer.

Built-in Functions: An overview of the functions built-in to TPL.

Link to the documentation

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